As a Swede myself, I want to add some nuance to the information you provided. It is true that the current "center-right" government is slightly more based in actual reality than the former "center-left" government was. Yet you cannot open any Swedish paper---including the daily business paper, a strange mix of "The Wall Street Journal" and the "New York Post"---and avoid everyone and their grandmother (including CEOs of all major companies and politicians of all stripe) heralding the importance of "sustainability," "energy transition," "green agenda," "the savior that is solar and wind" and a whole host of other nonsense, so while it is now acknowledged nuclear should play a role, many throughout society still staunchly oppose it, and everyone is still very much villifying oil & gas. So you are given far more credit to the supposed new-found wisdom of the Swedish government than they deserve. And we are only one election away from the "center-left" parties regaining power, in which case the energy agenda, once again, will be inspired by the likes of Greta Thunberg.

(As a side-note regarding Covid policies, it is another testament to the inherent weirdness of Sweden. Everyone will proudly declare their deep-seated fear for climate change, yet refuse to be alarmed over a somewhat worse-than-normal flu season. I guess the geographic location, and Sweden's agrarian and Lutheran roots still provide a healthy dose of common sense into the fabric of society, along with a stoic-like cultural refusal to be needlessly worked up. America-style alarmism doesn't work here (with perhaps the exception of climate change). And drugs, I suppose, where, despite Sweden being a genuinely socially liberal country, drug consensus would make Richard Nixon seem a Berkeley-style hippie, with cannabis equal to heroin in many people's eyes. Although I hear this is changing amongst Generation Z. But I digress.)

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That information on Sweden is fascinating. I remember the Corporate Media blasting Sweden for not doing lockdowns and closing schools. I mentioned this to coworkers (I'm a high school English teacher) and they were horrified, as if school officials over there were simply going to let children perish in broad daylight, without any analysis.

I learned a lot during the Novel Coronavirus Era. One of the many things is how easy it is to manage the Vast Herd of Sheeple by using fear, and it doesn't matter what the facts are. I suspect the investing world is similar, although I'm not an expert or a longtime investor.

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Stripe is one of the angry leftist censoring tech companies. Maybe some activists in the company are blocking you due to writing about fossil fuels, haha

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That charts of capex in the old vs new economy is quite revealing.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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