Appreciate the link to the great article from Kopernik. Too much intro on Argentina, but the rest is outstanding.

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Random comment here but I know you have your interest in the EV transition. Here is the Ram Charger that is built on their current chassis models. It's an EV with about 150 miles of range and a gas engine that serves as a generator. It's amazing Ford didnt think of this when going all in on their lightning truck but when trying to see how the EV transition is going to go, I think this is it. This should put a decent dent in gasoline demand eventually but I don't think it kills the oil thesis by any means. I do think this is something consumers would actually want to use though. Imagine if most cars use this technology and many trucks, that could kill a lot of gasoline demand in say 10-15 years. Smaller batteries too, I know Doomberg has made this point of using smaller batteries for hybrids would kill way more gasoline demand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxlmjEvaT34

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For PM silver plays, perhaps check out a primary silver producer GSVR (Guanajuato Silver TSVX) and a company with no debts and drilling out the largest silver deposit VZLA (Vizla Silver TSVX)

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Have you looked at Alphamin as a tin play? Pays a div too

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Thanks as always Ferg. Whats your preferred way to play tin ?. I took a small position in Metals X a month or two back - was concerned about their shareholder focus, but felt their jurisdiction (Auz) was much better than the other main player. So far so good... as they recently announced a shareholder buyback.

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