Thanks for pointing that out. Banks being able to borrow at no cost to purchase the glut in US debt to provide the needed liquidity is the 'QE' flavour of the day. Regardless of the mechanism, it is QE, therefore Inflation, therefore trade fiat for real stuff and companies that produce it.

PS Great photo of your family

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Do not be surprised to see Insurance companies the next ones up to be required or encouraged to increase their holdings of Treasuries after the banks get the SLR waiver, and they will get it

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So true about family.

I always liked the saying i heard years ago -

When you are young, you are the picture, when you have a family you become the frame.

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A big red day in the market my friend and I call a "family day". Just put your phone down and spend time with the family. I see the little guy has deployed his finger biters. My 3rd just it hers too!

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Your "Something I'm Pondering" This week, is a sentiment I hold strong ATM.

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Just had a baby around the same time as you m8. Right on. Been doing a daily appreciation. Feels good! Cheers

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The directory was very helpful. When do you think you will have your updated portfolio view put together?

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We have to be fair Ferg: Nasdaq didn't have a meltdown. Not yet :)

So if there is a Nasdaq meltdown (or S&P), it will bring others down too (IMHO). The knock-on effect, probably uneven meltdown, who knows.

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Is the uranium sector frothy right now? I feel like it has rather cooled?

On bonds the big question for me is when the SLR changes...10 year at 5? at 5.5? at 6?

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