Ferg-congratulations on making this change! Really looking forward to hearing and reading your thoughts. I learn something every time.

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Thanks Jennifer, excited to have finally taken the wheel!

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Hey Ferg, Congratulations on the new venture! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the content on your blogs, tweets and videos on crux; l guess i’ll continue to do on your pro subscription! 🍻

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Thanks Nikhil, I appreciate the support! Should have first paid piece out tonight.

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Congratulations Ferg on branching off on your own service! Absolutely had to subscribe to continue to hear your valuable thoughts, it was previously the best part of Crux! Looking forward to all the features on pro!

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Thanks David, really appreciate that! Excited to get back into routine of knocking out content/interviews on my platform now!

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Fully enjoyed getting a bit of history on you man. We enjoy your content and takes.

Here’s to the next decade! 🥂

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Some cool background, did not know you grew up as a farmer. I don't like how I hear farmers are treated. Especially here in the USA there is a really insane amount of meat that gets wasted, roughly 20% of all meat and 40% of all food here goes to waste 🤯. I think the price for meat in particular, as well as other foods, should be a lot higher personally and that would help lower that %. If people have issue with it they should try hunting/farming their own and doing it themselves. I think that would drastically change peoples perspectives, which I think are very disconnected from these processes overall.

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Thanks Gary, yes its a good point you make, if food prices were to double would 40% still get wasted? I'm thinking not.

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Great piece, mate. I drove past your Family Farm earlier in the week. Small world. Cheers John.

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Hey Ferg. I subscribed immediately. I've found your content great value over the last couple of years. I hope that you will still post some of your interviews with Brad for basic subscribers (I.e. me) as I particularly enjoy those interviews! Do you miss hunting from your earlier days? I think that would be what I'd miss the most if I ever leave NZ!

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Hi Simon, thanks mate, I appreciate that. No unfortunately Brads only going to be on the Pro tier moving forward. Yes I do really miss hunting and the outdoors, you just can't beat NZ for it. When my son is old enough plan to walk some of the South Island trails and take him for a hunt with friends who have farms in NZ.

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Hearing more of your background makes me even more sure that subscribing $$ was a good move.

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Hey Ferg I'm interested in subscribing to your basic service. Is it possible to see a sample issue?

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Hey Harry, sure, Crux actually released a lot of my show with a 6month lag on Youtube, just type: Crux investor ferg's undesirables in the search bar (as can't link here). Which will give you a good feel for my interviews and trade ideas which be very similar to the basic service moving forward. For my written stuff have a few pieces I've done recently on here and will be releasing one on offshore tonight. For older pieces you can check my blog traderferg.com

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Hey Ferg, any chance of extending the opening discount for a couple of days... that would get me across the line.

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Ferg I have really enjoyed (and profited from) your Crux contributions> Does this mean they have ended? Anyway I just signed up to ensure I can maintain the flow of your ideas. Whatever happens, keep pumping out that great content.

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Hey Petrus, yes I've split from Crux, so all my content moving forward will be on my Substack.

Thanks excited to get back to knocking out the content!

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Hey Ferg,

Very much enjoying your updates and congratulations on the substack. Wondering how this will differ from your overviews at Crux (besides the fact that one is video and the other is written). Also, will the actionable intelligence you offer differ between subscription tiers? Thanks.

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Cheers appreciate that! It won't differ that much from my Crux show for basic level, just regular insights, trades and interviews.

Pro will add, monthly ask me anythings, regular in depth chats with my mentor Brad (who runs a hedge fund), a monthly dive into a trade, company or just something I'm focused on, and a private Twitter circle as I wanted a more active feed for trades I'm trying to get filled on, occasional income trades, that I won't take the time to record/writeup.

Hope that helps.

Cheers ferg

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What a lovely, thoughtful story. And I especially respect that you have decades of experience (unlike some Substack writers who shall not be named ;)

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Excellent work Ferg , i need the common sense slap from your self on a regular basis to get my thinking back on track and take zero notice of the bull shit peddlers ...........cheers and thanks again ,Let common sense prevail .....cheers

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Vaclav smeal has written 45 Books ,but never done a utube vid ???????????????

cannot believe hes on utube ?????????????

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Hi Ferg. Love your story! I’ve just discovered you after ditching Twitter and moving over to Substack. Interested to know whether or not you still do options trading?

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