California can't even get train tracks built.

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NYC planned the 3rd avenue subway line and it was finished a few years ago - 100 years after it was first seriously proposed. That is not a typo nor is it hyperbole.

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Same goes for anything now build in germany. Let alone the new Berlin Airport...

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I Brought the vogtle reactor up recently in the discord and i am not a renewable guy. Why is the US example ridiculous? Its simply reality in their market and the same if not even worse is true for West/mid Europe.

What are the biggest cost differences? Waiting time for permits? Materials? Inspections? The construction itself? Are korean/chinese and Western reactors equally safe?

I dont think china is taking building nuclear reactor construction as a joke but on the other Hand chinese constructions (including Hospitals and skyscrapers) have had their time in the press in the past ;)

I dont See chinese being allowed building reactors in the West in 6,5years. And you did not consider the arguments of replacement of the existing Fleet. Especially in the west

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