‘Knowledge and Decisions’ is Sowell’s best book. I recommend it.

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Tempted on get property in Montenegro? A friend just bought land with insane sea view and is going to build a spectacular house there for a lot less than I thought it would cost. Only downside seems to be a fairly chunky peoperty tax and a bit of a process getting a Montenegrian TIN etc.

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Aug 1Author

Doesn't really make sense buying where we are in Kotor as surrounding mountains mean great few months in summer and rough winter. So just prefer to rent for now.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Liked by Ferg

Kotor / Lovcen..?? I cycled up that back in 2015 :-), and was blown away by Kotor. Then again, I had just been in Bosnia for 2 days :-)

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Aug 1Author

Yes Kotor, love it here!

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Nice picture of the family. Have more children Ferg, you won't regret it. It was the best decision I've ever made.

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Interesting China take.

My 2 cents is China muddles thru.

Spent sometime there recently. People are happy. Lots of young Families getting around. Young Families spending help drive an economy.

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great Thomas Sowell thread, thanks for sharing!

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

Mighty biceps ;)

I stopped following the economic (non)-activities of my gov. for a while to regain mental stability. its a deep and an absurd swamp of corruption. They even donate tax money to Bill Gates Foundatiion, peruvian cyclist roads, and gender language schools

In Afghanistan. Our Minister Baerbock has been caught illegally granting Visa ( by her ministry directly ) to random Afghan people that she secretly let fly in - and some turned out to be jihadists and Spys. Our overlords show their hate against their own (white) people daily.

Sooo.... Not surprised about them keeping wasting money on green funds etc.

Still no protests, so the show will go on. Manufacturers keep on moving/investing into poland, hungary, usa, etc.

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Thanks again ferg ,excellent work . how good is it that Rig missed there earnings ,hopefully all this doom and gloom talk of china slow down puts down ward pressure on there price . i think i m way too impatient to go any were near $3 .....low 5 s and pull the trigger ,then focus on building positions in your singapore stocks and

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