Jun 16, 2023Liked by Ferg

Keep those pithy, trenchant commentaries coming, Ferg. Most appreciated. Especially after my return from a visit to to our native land. Kind regards, Glenn.

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We are blinded by the climate catastrophe ideology and no matter how bad it gets we keep doubling down on renewables that can't support our energy needs.

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Always good information. I'm a NY teacher, and my retirement fund went 'green' and has decided not to invest in fossil fuels, so I'm doing it for them. Your info has been helpful. The LNG info here is great - hadn't heard of the China angle before. I'm stockpiling TELL and looking to get deeper into coal as well.

Always useful takes here Ferg.

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Thanks Douglas, I'm glad you got value out of it. Yes its always bugged me that pension funds are all dropping energy when I will be the exact thing they need in their portfolios to hedge against higher inflation moving forward.

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