While we don’t fully agree with Michael Kao & Alexander Stahel‘s thesis, we were bettered by listening to an opposing view. Thanks for sharing!

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Isn’t gallium a byproduct of zinc mining and the only reason Canada/USA doesn’t produce much is because they haven’t bothered? It has the smell of silver that I’ll never invest in right now cause it’s a byproduct of copper mining. I think something g would have to change with the demand of both to seriously move the needle since there is ample supply.

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No need to worry about China because Yellen is on the case: https://twitter.com/Travis_in_Flint/status/1677791180610781184

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Every time I look up the "Green Transition" has so many more headwinds it's out of control. Yet, the answer seems to be someone yelling 'Climate Change!!'. Even someone bright and interesting like Steve Keen is hyper about 'catastrophic climate change'.

It's a strange time, but good to be thinking different than everyone else.

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