In regard to this topic I am studying everything from Ray Dalio at the moment. I think his sctructural approach to the changing world order is the best guide out there for everyone trying to navigate the uncertainty in todays world. Otherwise its easy to fall in the trap of just following people who are predicting doom's day. BTW his book "The big debt crisis" can be downloaded free of charge from his hedgefund Bridgewater: https://www.bridgewater.com/big-debt-crises/principles-for-navigating-big-debt-crises-by-ray-dalio.pdf

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That Socrates quote is scary accurate. As someone who has taught HS English for 27 years - things are not looking promising.

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It seems the idea that politicians can't be prosecuted must have limits. Every prosecution can be framed as political if it's one of "your people." There should be no great objection to prosecuting clearly criminal conduct. The bigger problem in US politics (imho) is the ability of those at the far right and far left to leverage the information flow (social media, media in general) to pipe their messaging directly into the vulnerable minds of every phone-carrying citizen. No one knows what to trust, so they fall victim to colossal manipulation and believe they have the righteous high ground when they're actually just tools of the moneyed elite on "both sides." So fatiguing. I pine for the rise of a rational moderate movement that pushes these charlatans to the shadows and reclaims productive discourse, but we're screaming in the opposite direction with no end in sight.

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I totally agree and always hope for some genius to find a way to organize a new political party with the help of the Internet and call the party the *WE THE PEOPLE PARTY*!

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The thing is that the views (and especially their taken actions) and what we (far right) want is the exact opposite. The "middle" parties have shifted far left. In germany you can study many cases where the establishment (which is now left/green) violates laws on a regular Basis to push in migrants, despite the murders, rapes etc. Are exploding. They push out true moderates and conservatives when they speak up. They never give in, always double down.

Im not lying. IMO There will no be other path than civil war. I rather fight and kill than to live under their madness. And time is ticking. The millions imported people are getting passportized as quickly as the gov. Can do. In the End to replace us and prevent other election outcomes. But the left seems to think they can control the migration masses. They cant. They are mainly Muslim and Started to demonstrate their ambitions already on the streets - califate Europe

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After having listened to Goehring & Rozencwajg a lot over the past few years I'm still wondering if they're right on their natgas thesis. They seem quite lonely in the natgas room at the moment.

Do you have any thoughts on that?

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